

P.S.1 原文來源:IMDB
P.S.2 這翻譯真的是我翻的,錯了請不吝指教~~

President Thomas Whitmore: Good morning. In less than an hour, aircraft from here will join others
from around the world. And you will be launching the largest aerial battle in the history of mankind. "Mankind." That word should have new meaning for all of us today. We can't be consumed by our petty differences anymore. We will be united in our common interests. Perhaps it's fate that today is the Fourth of July, and you will once again be fighting for our freedom... Not from tyranny, oppression, or persecution... but from annihilation. We are fighting for our right to live. To exist. And should we win the day, the Fourth of July will no longer be known as an American holiday, but as the day the world declared in one voice: "We will not go quietly into the night!" We will not vanish without a fight! We're going to live on! We're going to survive! Today we celebrate our Independence Day.
Thomas Whitmore總統:早安。在不到一小時後,這裡的戰鬥機要加入其它從世界各地而來的戰鬥機的行列。而你


Jigsaw: Most people are so ungrateful to be alive, but not you, not any more...
[begins to close door]
Jigsaw: GAME OVER!


Jigsaw: Hello,.....,I want to play a game. .... Live or die, make your choice.
Jigsaw: 哈囉....我想要玩一個遊戲....是生是死,自己選擇吧!


THE ROCK(絕地任務):
General Hummel: Then you probably have no idea what it means to lead some of the finest men on God's
earth into combat and then watch their memories get betrayed by their own fucking government.
John Mason: I don't quite see how you cherish the memory of the dead by killing another million.
And, this is not combat, it's an act of lunacy, General Sir. Personally, I think you're a fucking idiot.
General Hummel: "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots
and tyrants." Thomas Jefferson.
John Mason: "Patriotism is a virtue of the vicious," according to Oscar Wilde.
[Hummel strikes him, and he falls to his knees]
John Mason: Thank you for making my point.
General Hummel:那你可能不懂得帶領著一群地球上最好的人們投入戰鬥而後看著他們死後的名聲,被他們效力的
John Mason: 我看不出來你如何藉由殺害百萬人來維護死去人們的名聲。而且,這不是戰鬥,這是一個愚蠢的行為
General Hummel: "自由之樹必須持續以愛國者的鮮血來補給",Thomas Jefferson說的。
John Mason:"愛國主義是一種邪惡的美德",Oscar Wilde所說的。
John Mason:多謝你證實我的觀點。


Commander Anderson: Have you ever been in a combat situation before?
Stanley Goodspeed: Define combat, sir.
Commander Anderson: Shep?
Lt. Shephard: An incursion underwater to re-take an impregnable fortress held by an elite team of
U.S. Marines, in possession of eighty-one hostages and fifteen guided rockets loaded with V.X. poison gas.
Commander Anderson:你以前曾經戰鬥過嗎?
Stanley Goodspeed: 戰鬥的定義是什麼,長官。
Commander Anderson: Shep?
Lt. Shephard: 一個水面下的侵入行動,將牢不可破的要塞,從握有八十一名人質及十五枚V.X.毒氣飛彈的美國海


General Hummel: Commander Anderson, if you have any concern for the lives of your men, you will order them to safety their weapons and place them on the deck.
Agent Paxton: This is not happening...
Commander Anderson: Sir, we know why you're out here. God knows, I agree with you. But like you, I
swore to defend this country against all enemies, foreign, sir... and domestic. General, we've spilled the same blood in the same mud. And you know god damn well I can't give that order.
Navy SEAL: We're dead!
General Hummel: Your unit is covered from an elevated position, Commander. I'm not gonna ask you
again. Don't do anything stupid. No-one has to die here.
Commander Anderson: [raising his voice] You men following the General: you're under oath as United
States Marines, have you forgotten that? We all have shipmates we remember, some of them were shit on and pissed on by the Pentagon. But that doesn't give you the right to mutiny!
General Hummel: You call it what you want! You're down there, we're up here! You walked into the
wrong goddamn room, Commander!
General Hummel:Anderson少校,如果你重視你屬下的生命,就命令他們解除武裝,並把武器放下。
Agent Paxton:這不該發生的...
Commander Anderson:長官,我們知道你為什麼會在這裡。天曉得我完全同意你的想法。但就跟你一樣,我發過誓
Navy SEAL:這下完蛋了!
General Hummel:你的小隊從高處被包圍了,隊長。我不想再要求一次。別做傻事,沒有人必須死在這裡。
Commander Anderson:[拉高他的嗓門]你們這些跟著將軍的:你們做為美國海軍陸戰隊時曾宣誓過的,難道你們忘了
General Hummel:隨便你怎麼說!你們在下,我們在上,你們他媽的走錯房間了,隊長!


Stanley Goodspeed: I love pressure. I eat it for breakfast.
Stanley Goodspeed:我熱愛壓力,我把它當早餐吃。


John Mason: Are you sure you're ready for this?
Stanley Goodspeed: I'll do my best.
John Mason: Your "best"! Losers always whine about their best.
John Mason:你確定你準備好了?
Stanley Goodspeed:我會盡力而為。
John Mason:"盡力而為"!輸家才會哀怨地說他們盡力而為了。


Agent Paxton: Mr. Mason, I'm Special Agent-in-Charge Ernest Paxton.
John Mason: In charge of what? Fucking me over for another three decades?
Agent Paxton: I don't know anything about your previous matters. We've brought you here because
there's a situation that we think you can help us with.
John Mason: And what might that be? I've been in jail longer than Nelson Mandela, so maybe you want
me to run for president.
Agent Paxton:Mason先生,我是特別探員Ernest Paxton,也是此次的負責人。
John Mason:負責什麼?再把我多關三十年嗎?
Agent Paxton:我對你的過去沒有興趣知道。我們帶你來這兒,是因為我們遇上一個情況,認為你能幫得上忙。
John Mason:那會是什麼?我已經被關得比Nelson Mandela還久,難到你要我出來選總統嗎?


Captain Darrow: Excuse me, general... but what about the fucking money?
General Hummel: There is no fucking money. The mission's over.
Captain Frye: Bullshit it's over!
Major Tom Baxter: You're talking to a General, soldier! Maintain discipline.
Captain Darrow: I'm not a soldier, Major. The day we took hostages, we became mercenaries. And
mercenaries get paid. I want my FUCKING money!
Captain Darrow:不好意思,將軍...但是該死的錢呢?
General Hummel:沒有那該死的錢。任務結束了。
Captain Frye:去你的任務結束了!
Major Tom Baxter:你在跟一位將軍講話,士兵!保持紀律。
Captain Darrow:我不是個士兵,少校。從我們綁走人質之後,我們就變成了傭兵。而傭兵是要付錢的。我要我該


John Mason: Welcome to the Rock.
John Mason:歡迎來到惡魔島。


Chief of Staff Hayden Sinclair: Three tours in Vietnam, Panama, Grenada, Desert Storm; three Purple Hearts, two Silver Stars and the Congressional Medal of - Jesus. This man is a hero.
General Al Kramer: Well, I think "legend" might be a better description, Mr. Sinclair.
Chief of Staff Hayden Sinclair: Well, now we can add kidnapping and extortion to his list of
General Al Kramer: Mr. Sinclair, General Hummel is a man of honor.
Chief of Staff Hayden Sinclair:三次參與在越南、巴拿馬、格瑞納達的沙漠風暴行動;三枚紫金徽章、兩枚銀
General Al Kramer:我想"傳奇"是個比較恰當的字眼,Sinclair先生。
Chief of Staff Hayden Sinclair:嗯,現在我們可以在他光榮事績上加上擄人勒贖這一條了。
General Al Kramer:Sinclair先生,Hummel將軍是一個披滿榮耀之人。 


Agent Paxton: What's status?
Stanley Goodspeed: Status... is, they're dead. They're dead! It's just me and Mason, now he says
he's leaving.
Agent Paxton: That is unacceptable, do you hear me? Unacceptable!
Stanley Goodspeed: Well, there's a problem sir, he's got a gun!
Agent Paxton: What do you have, a fuckin' water pistol?
Agent Paxton:情況如何?
Stanley Goodspeed:情..情況..他們死了,他們全死了!只剩我和Mason,但他現在說他要離開。
Agent Paxton:不可以,你聽到了嗎?不能讓他走。
Stanley Goodspeed:嗯..長官..問題是...他手上有槍!
Agent Paxton:那你有什麼?他媽的你手上是水槍嗎?


Cable car conductor: [as cable car careens down street] We're gonna crash! Save yourselves! Oh, my baby!
電車車掌: [當電車傾倒向街上] 撞車啦!自救吧!喔~寶貝!


[Hummel visits his wife's grave before setting his plan into action]
General Hummel: I miss you so much.
[long pause]
General Hummel: There's something I've gotta do, Barb. Something I couldn't do while you were here.
I tried. You know I tried everything, and I still don't have their attention. Let's hope this elevates their thinking. But whatever happens...
[he takes Congressional Medal of Honor out of his pocket]
General Hummel: ...please don't think less of me.
[he sets the Medal on top of the headstone, leans over and kisses it, and then walks away]
General Hummel:我很想妳。
General Hummel:有些事我非做不可,Barb。有些當妳在世時我沒辦法做的事。我試過了,妳知道我什麼方法都試
General Hummel:...請不要看輕我。


John Mason: [to his daughter] You know... you're almost the only evidence that I exist.
John Mason: [對著她女兒]妳知道....妳幾乎是我唯一存在過的證明。

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