P.S.1 原文來源:IMDB
P.S.2 這翻譯真的是我翻的,錯了請不吝指教~~
THE ROCK(絕地任務):
General Hummel: The men of marine force racon are selected to carry out illegal operations throughout the world. When they don't come home, their families are told fairy tales about what happened to them... and denied compensation. Well, I have choked on these lies my entire career. Well here and now the lies stop!
General Hummel:海軍陸戰隊的人用雷達信號選擇目標來實行世界各地的非法作戰。當他們回不到家,他們的家人被告知的是捏造的謊言....而沒有任何補償。我整個生涯受夠這些謊言了。現在是時候停止這些謊言了!
Stanley Goodspeed: How'd you do it?
John Mason: Nurtured the hope that there was hope. That one day I'd breathe free air. Perhaps meet my daughter. Modest hopes, but they kept a man alive.
Stanley Goodspeed:你怎麼辦到的?
John Mason:期待就是有個希望。有一天我能呼吸到新鮮的空氣,也許能見見我女兒。希望很謙微,卻能使人活下去。
Ironhide: Why are we fighting to save the humans? They're a primitive and violent race.
Optimus Prime: Were we so different? They're a young species. They have much to learn. But I've seen goodness in them. Freedom is the right of all sentient beings. You all know there's only one way to end this war: we must destroy the Cube. If all else fails, I will unite it with the spark in my chest.
Ratchet: That's suicide! The Cube is raw power, it could destroy you both!
Optimus Prime: A necessary sacrifice to bring peace to this planet. We cannot let the humans pay for our mistakes. It's been an honor serving with you all. Autobots, ROLL OUT!
Optimus Prime:我們又有什麼不同?他們是個年輕的物種,還有很多事要學習。但我在他們身上見到他們的好。自由是所有有情感生物的權利。你們都知道結束這場戰爭的唯一方法:摧毀the Cube。如果所有方法都失敗了,我會把它放入我的胸口中。
Ratchet:那是自殺行為!The Cube是不穩定的能源,它可能把你們倆都毀了。
Optimus Prime:要將和平帶給這個星球需要必要的犧牲。不能讓人類為我們的錯誤付出代價。和你們一起奮戰是我的榮幸。Autobots,出發!
Optimus Prime: At the end of this day, one shall stand, one shall fall!
Megatron: You still fight for the weak! That is why you lose!
Optimus Prime:今天結束之後,一個會屹立著,一個會倒下!
Witwicky: No sacrifice, no victory.
Agent Simmons: We're the government. Sector Seven.
Ron Witwicky: Never heard of it.
Agent Simmons: Never will.
Agent Simmons:我們是政府單位,第七區。
Ron Witwicky:從來沒聽過。
Agent Simmons:以後也不會。
[after Ratchett has run into the power lines]
Ron Witwicky: Earthquake! Earthquake! Judy, get under the table!
Judy Witwicky: [not moving] How did you get over there so fast?
Ron Witwicky:地震!地震!Judy,躲到桌子下面!
Judy Witwicky: [沒有移動]你怎麼這麼快就躲到那裡去了?
Cafe' kid 1: [using a video camera] Okay, this is you...
[a an meteor crushes a store and he runs outside to look]
Cafe' kid 1: Wow! This is the coolest thing I've ever seen! Explosions everywhere! This is easily a hundred times cooler than Armageddon... I swear to god!
Cafe' kid 1: [用攝影機] Ok,這是你...
Cafe' kid 1:哇!這是我見過最酷的事!到處都在爆炸!這比世界末日更酷超過一百倍...我對天發誓!
Ironhide: Prime... we couldn't save him.
[hands him Jazz's remains]
Optimus Prime: Oh, Jazz... We lost a great comrade, but gained new ones. Thank you, all of you. You honor us with your bravery.
Ironhide: Prime...我們救不了他。
Optimus Prime: Oh,Jazz...我們失去了一個好夥伴,但得到新的夥伴們。謝謝你們全部。你們的勇氣使我們尊敬。
Bobby Bolivia: A driver don't pick the cars. Mmm-mm. Cars pick the driver. It's a mystical bond between man and machine.
Bobby Bolivia:駕駛不挑車,嗯...車會挑駕駛。這是人與機械間的神秘連結。
[last lines]
Optimus Prime: With the All Spark gone, we cannot return life to our planet. And fate has yielded its reward: a new world to call home. We live among its people now, hiding in plain sight, but watching over them in secret, waiting, protecting. I have witnessed their capacity for courage, and though we are worlds apart, like us, there's more to them than meets the eye. I am Optimus Prime, and I send this message to any surviving Autobots taking refuge among the stars. We are here. We are waiting.
Optimus Prime:All Spark消失了,我們沒辦法重回我們星球重啟生活。而命運自有安排:一個叫做家全新的世界。現在我們在他們這些人之中生活著,完全地隱藏起來,但秘密地看著、等著和保護著他們。我見證他們的勇氣,而就像我們在這世界一樣,他們多於想像。我是Optimus Prime,而我將這個訊息送給任何在星球間藏身的Autobots,我們在這裡,而我們在等待。
Glen: So I downloaded a couple thousand songs off the internet! Who hasn't? Who hasn't?
[Megatron notices some humans near him]
Megatron: Disgusting!
[revolted, he flicks one of them away]
[Captain Lennox is trying to call the Pentagon while his men fight Scorponok]
Captain Lennox: I need a credit card! Epps, where's your wallet?
USAF Tech Sergeant Epps: Pocket!
Captain Lennox: Which pocket?
USAF Tech Sergeant Epps: MY BACK POCKET!
Captain Lennox: You got like ten back pockets!
[當Captain Lennox的隊伍在跟Scorponok戰鬥時,他試著連絡五角大廈]
Captain Lennox:我需要一張信用卡!Epps,你錢包在哪裡?
USAF Tech Sergeant Epps:口袋!
Captain Lennox:哪個口袋?
USAF Tech Sergeant Epps:我背後的口袋!
Captain Lennox:你背後有一堆口袋啊!
USAF Tech Sergeant Epps:左邊屁股!左邊屁股!左邊屁股!
Jazz: What about Bumblebee? We can't just leave him to die and become some human experiment!
Optimus Prime: He'll die in vain if we don't accomplish our mission. Bumblebee is a brave soldier. This is what he would want.
Jazz: Bumblebee怎麼辦?我們不能眼睜睜地看他成為人類的實驗品而死去!
Optimus Prime:如果我們不能完成我們的任務,他會死得毫無價值。Bumblebee是勇敢的士兵,這會是他想要的。
[Keller enters the FBI interrogation room]
Maggie Madsen: What's going on?
Keller: You're coming with me. You're going to be my advisor.
Glen Whitmann: Me, too?
Keller: Who's this?
Maggie Madsen: He's... *my* advisor.
Keller: He comes too.
Maggie Madsen:發生什麼事了?
Glen Whitmann:我也要去嗎?
Maggie Madsen:他是..我的顧問。
[Lennox urgently calls on a cell phone as his men fight Scorponok]
Captain Lennox: This is an emergency Pentagon call! The Pentagon, do you understand-?
[the window behind him explodes]
International Operator: [bored] Sir, the attitude is not going to speed things up any bit at all. I'm going to ask you to speak very clearly into the mouthpiece...
Captain Lennox: I'm in the middle of a war! This is friggin' ridiculous!
Captain Lennox:這是個對五角大廈的緊急狀況通知!五角大廈,你懂嗎?
Captain Lennox:我沒有信用卡!
International Operator: [感到厭煩]先生,這態度並不會加速事情的處理,請你對著話筒清楚的說明...
Captain Lennox:我身處戰爭之中耶!該死,這太可笑了!
Agent Simmons: [held at gunpoint by Lennox] Drop your weapon, solider. There's an alien war going on and you're gonna shot me?
Captain Lennox: You know, we didn't ask to be here.
Agent Simmons: I'm ordering you under S-Seven executive jurisdiction.
USAF Tech Sergeant Epps: S-Seven doesn't exist.
Captain Lennox: Right. And we don't take orders from people that don't exist.
Agent Simmons: I'm gonna count to five. Okay.
Captain Lennox: [cocks gun] Well, I'm gonna count to three.
Agent Simmons: [被Lennox用槍口指著]放下你的武器,士兵。發生了外星人大戰,而你想對我開槍?
Captain Lennox:你知道的,我們本來不該在這裡的。
Agent Simmons:我以第七區負責人的身份命令你。
USAF Tech Sergeant Epps:第七區不存在。
Captain Lennox:沒錯,而我們不必遵守不存在的人的命令。
Agent Simmons:好,我數到五。
Captain Lennox: [把槍上膛]那好,我就數到三。
Sam Witwicky: He wants us to get in the car.
Mikaela: [laughing nervously] And go where?
Sam Witwicky: Fifty years from now, when you're looking back at your life, don't you want to be able to say you had the guts to get in the car?
Sam Witwicky:他要我們上車。
Mikaela: [緊張地笑著]然後去哪裡?
Sam Witwicky:五十年後,當你回想你的人生,你不希望自己能說這時你有勇氣上車嗎?
Judy Witwicky: [barging into Sam's bedroom, her husband in tow] Oh, for Pete's sakes! You are so defensive! Were you... masturbating?
Ron Witwicky: Judy...
Sam Witwicky: [frantic] Was I master... No, Mom!
Ron Witwicky: Zip it, okay?
Judy Witwicky: It's okay...
Sam Witwicky: No, I don't masturbate!
Ron Witwicky: That's not something for you to bring up.
Judy Witwicky: Okay.
Ron Witwicky: That's a father-and-son thing, okay?
Sam Witwicky: Father-son thing...
Judy Witwicky: I mean, you don't have to call it that word if that makes you uncomfortable... you can call it Sam's happy time or...
Sam Witwicky: [amazed] Happy time?
Judy Witwicky: [闖入Sam的臥室,拉著她的丈夫] Oh,我的老天!你這麼有防備心!你是...在自慰嗎?
Ron Witwicky: Judy...
Sam Witwicky: [發狂似的]我是在..不是,媽!
Ron Witwicky:停止,好嗎?
Judy Witwicky:好..
Sam Witwicky:不,我沒有自慰!
Ron Witwicky:這不是妳該談的。
Judy Witwicky:好。
Ron Witwicky:那是父親跟兒子之間的事,好嗎?
Sam Witwicky:父親跟兒子之間的事...
Judy Witwicky:我是指,你們不必對這字計較,如果這字眼讓你不舒服...你可以叫它「Sam的歡樂時光」或...
Sam Witwicky: [感到驚訝]歡樂時光?
註:for Pete's sakes=天啊/看在老天爺的份上, 沒事做來翻譯電影台詞還是可以學到東西!