


[last lines]
James Gordon Jr.: Why's he running, Dad?
Lt. James Gordon: Because we have to chase him.
James Gordon Jr.: He didn't do anything wrong.
Lt. James Gordon: Because he's the hero Gotham deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt him because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector. A dark knight.
James Gordon Jr.: 為什麼他要逃跑呢,爸?
Lt. James Gordon: 因為我們必須追捕他。
James Gordon Jr.: 他又沒做錯事。
Lt. James Gordon: 因為他是Gothan應得的英雄,但不是現在所需要的。所以我們將追捕他,因為他承受的了。因為他不是我們的英雄,他是沉靜的守護者,他是警戒著的保護者,一個黑暗騎士!


The Joker: The only sensible way to live in this world is without rules.


The Chechen: What do you propose?
The Joker: It's simple. We, uh, kill the Batman.
[mobsters laugh]
Salvatore Maroni: If it's so simple, why haven't you done it already?
The Joker: If you're good at something, never do it for free.
The Chechen: 你有什麼提議?
小丑: 很簡單,我們...嗯...殺了蝙蝠俠。
Salvatore Maroni: 假如真這麼簡單,你幹嘛不早點做呢?
小丑: 如果你精通於某事,千萬別義務地去做。


Bruce Wayne: What about getting back into the plane?
Lucius Fox: I'd recommend a good travel agent.
Bruce Wayne: Without it landing.
Lucius Fox: [smiles] Now that's more like it, Mr. Wayne.
Bruce Wayne: 要怎麼回到飛機裡?
Lucius Fox: 我推薦找一個不錯的旅遊仲介。
Bruce Wayne: 飛機不能降落。
Lucius Fox: [微笑] 這才像話嘛,Wayne先生。


The Joker: You have nothing, nothing to threaten me with. Nothing to do with all your strength.
小丑: 你沒有任何..任何可以威脅我的東西。你所做的一切都只是白費力氣。


Harvey Dent: You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.
Harvey Dent: 你要嘛就像個英雄而死,要不就活得夠久看著你自己變成大反派!


Harvey Dent: The night is darkest just before the dawn. And I promise you, the dawn is coming.
Harvey Dent: 黎明前的夜晚是最黑暗的。而我對你們承諾,黎明即將來臨。


[Wayne Enterprises accountant Coleman Reese believes that he's discovered Batman's secret identity, and is trying to blackmail Fox]
Lucius Fox: Let me get this straight: You think that your client, one of the wealthiest, most powerful men in the world, is secretly a vigilante who spends his nights beating criminals to a pulp with his bare hands. And your plan is to blackmail this person? Good luck.
[Wayne企業的會計師Coleman Reese相信他發現了蝙蝠俠的秘密身份,而試著敲詐Fox]
Lucius Fox:讓我搞清楚:你認為你的客戶,一個世上最富有、最有權力的人,是地下治安維持者,在夜晚赤手空拳將罪犯打成肉醬,而你計畫去敲詐勒索這個人?祝你好運!


Batman: Then why do you want to kill me?
The Joker: [laughs] I don't want to kill you! What would I do without you? Go back to ripping off mob dealers? No, no, NO! No. You... you... complete me.
Batman: You're garbage who kills for money.
The Joker: Don't talk like one of them. You're not! Even if you'd like to be. To them, you're just a freak, like me! They need you right now, but when they don't, they'll cast you out, like a leper! You see, their morals, their code, it's a bad joke. Dropped at the first sign of trouble. They're only as good as the world allows them to be. I'll show you. When the chips are down, these... these civilized people, they'll eat each other. See, I'm not a monster. I'm just ahead of the curve.
Batman: 那你為什麼要殺我?
小丑: [笑著] 我沒有要殺你啊!我沒有你我怎麼辦啊?回去幹掉那些小混混? 不,不是這樣!你..你使我更完整。
Batman: 你只是個為錢殺人的垃圾。
小丑: 別像他們一樣說話,你不是那種人!即使你想變成那樣也不是。對他們而言,你只是個怪胎,就像我一樣!他們現在需要你,但是當他們不需要的時候,他們把你驅逐出去,像對痲瘋病患一樣!你看,他們的道德、規範,就只是個爛笑話,遇到麻煩的時候就沒用了。他們只是遵循著這世界的常理而表現出好的一面。我會證明給你看,當規範崩落,這些...這些文明人,會殘害彼此。看,我不是個怪物,只是走在時代前端。

Bruce Wayne: People are dying, Alfred. What would you have me do?
Alfred Pennyworth: Endure, Master Wayne. Take it. They'll hate you for it, but that's the point of Batman, he can be the outcast. He can make the choice that no one else can make, the right choice.
Bruce Wayne: Well today I found out what Batman can't do. He can't endure this. Today you get to say "I told you so."
Alfred Pennyworth: Today, I don't want to.
[pauses for several moments]
Alfred Pennyworth: But I did bloody tell you. 
Bruce Wayne: 人們一個接一個地死去,Alfred。你要我怎麼做?
Alfred Pennyworth: 忍耐,Wayne主人。承受下來,他們會因此而恨你,但那是身為蝙蝠俠所必經的,他可以忍受的。他可以做出其他人所不能做的選擇,正確的選擇。
Bruce Wayne: 今天我發現蝙蝠俠也有辦不到的事。他不能忍受如此。今天你可以說「我告訴過你了。」
Alfred Pennyworth: 今天,我不想說。
Alfred Pennyworth: 但我確實跟你說過了。


Two-Face: You thought we could be decent men in an indecent time. But you were wrong. The world is cruel, and the only morality in a cruel world is chance.
[holds up his coin]
Two-Face: Unbiased. Unprejudiced. Fair.
Two-Face: 你認為我們可以在這個下流的社會當個正直的人,但你錯了,這世界是殘忍的,在這殘酷的世界中,唯一的道德是機率。 
Two-Face: 沒有偏見、沒有成見,而且公平!


The Joker: [Batman slams The Joker’s head on a table] Never start with the head, the victim gets all fuzzy.
小丑: [蝙蝠俠將小丑的頭重擊在桌上]千萬別從頭開始,被打的會意識不清!


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